Alzheimer’s disease and the different causes of dementia

Revolutionary Health Services
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


There are many causes associated with clinical dementia. Normally dementia slowly progresses with advancement of age, but in Alzheimer’s disease the speed of progression of dementia becomes very fast and severity of symptoms make it necessary to provide special care to these patients.

Those who have some know how about dementia and the signs, symptoms and course of this severely effecting syndrome know that dementia is not fully curable. Still there are so many things that can be done for these unfortunate people.

How to manage a person with Alzheimer’s disease?

There are various aspects of managing this disease. One of them is preventive measures for signs and symptoms associated with this disease for Alzheimer’s Cure Newtown, PA. There is a lot that can be done for these patients to make their life easy and reduce the difficulties in performing daily living activities. This also include preventing further deterioration of symptoms of dementia.

There is another aspect of caring for these patients with dementia cure New Hope, PA. Since dementia usually occurs in old age therefore, these patients need spatial surveillance to prevent diseases commonly associated with that age, such as cardiovascular diseases including heart attack, cerebrovascular diseases, and cancerous diseases.

Another important factor regarding preventive measures is to stop or decrease further deterioration of signs and symptoms of dementia. This is very important to slow down the progress of dementia because in advance stage patient’s cognitive abilities become so badly affected that they are unable to even perform daily routine life activities properly. They have a severe memory loss. They have difficulty speaking. Their memory becomes very weak. They can even forget names. Their speech becomes very poor. They are unable to recall proper words to speak.

Most common causes of dementia are briefly discussed below.

Common causes of Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease

At the top the most common cause of dementia is the well-known Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a slowly progressing type of disease which is associated with progressive loss of memory and thinking ability ultimately to such as extent that the patient becomes unable to perform even easiest acts of daily life. This is associated with a progressive accumulation of proteins in and around the brain cells. Severity of Alzheimer’s disease is usually describes in seven stages. At the first stage is remains non-detectable with no symptoms. At the last stage the disease progresses to a very severe decline in cognitive functions.

Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia is the type of dementia associated with brain damage due to impaired blood flow. Vascular dementia can occur after a stroke.

Lewy body disease.

A type and cause of dementia in which there is an abnormal deposit of a kind of protein in the brain cells. These deposits are called Lewy bodies. This deposition affect chemicals in the brain cells leading to impaired cognitive function of the brain.

Frontotemporal dementia

In this type of dementia in which the proteins of the brain’s frontal and temporal parts shrink leading to impaired cognitive abilities of the person.

Alcohol related dementia

Alcohol can cause brain damage in the long-term that can lead to a type of dementia.

Downs syndrome

This is a type of genetic disease associated with physical and mental delays and disabilities. People with downs syndrome can grow older to developing dementia.

HIV associated dementia

As we know HIV infection is a viral infection associated with decreased immunity of human body. When the infection reaches to the brain it results in encephalopathy. This affects the brain function which causes dementia. The severity of is associated with the severity of infection. The greater the spread of infection to the brain, the faster the growth of dementia.



Revolutionary Health Services

preventive care practice that offers treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, and memory loss.